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Getting on Board – Imposters on boards: overcoming imposter syndrome

Webinar Online only

This session is for and about aspiring and serving trustees who worry that they don’t really deserve their place on a charity board. Join us as we discuss this topic. Register for the event:

Getting on Board – Where are the working class trustees?

Webinar Online only

Last year, our panel and attendees tended to agree that trusteeship has a class issue. This year we want to talk about solutions and progress. Has anything changed? What can […]


Mid Sussex Voluntary Action – Challenge Your Assumptions – Inclusive Trustee Recruitment

At this unique in-person gathering, we invite you to challenge your assumptions about inclusive trustee recruitment. Explore best practices and learn effective strategies and tools to foster diversity and cultivate more well-rounded boards, facilitated by the award winning Watch This Sp_ce. Register for the event: